A journey through my mind. Which is sometimes fabulous. Often not.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloweenie!

It's Halloween! I bought a pumpkin a few weekends ago and didn't get a chance to carve it. So on Monday I decided to do more with it than just have it carved for a few days for the holiday and then throw it out. Such a waste. So I decided to make pumpkin pie.

I cut out a big section of the pumpkin and boiled it. Yeah yeah, I know I should have roasted it to keep the flavor and nutrients. But boiling was faster. ;) After the meat was cooked, I cut it up and squished it in a colander to drain out excess liquid, and set it in the fridge. Last night, I pureed the pumpkin in my blender, added all the spices, milk and cream, bought pre-made crusts, and VOILA: my very first (two) pumpkin pie(s). :)

I brought one in to work today and it got pretty good reviews. And no one upchucked in the wastebasket or made a high-speed dash to the restroom, which makes me think the pie was palatable and safe. :)

This week: still workin' on my application, drafting my essay (500 words, but mine is about 1,000 words of irrelevent material), and planning on taking the stupid GRE. *whine*

Anyways, I'm kind of uninspired with posting right now so I better sign off.

1 comment:

dailycraft said...

wow, you made pie! i wish i could get a slice...