A journey through my mind. Which is sometimes fabulous. Often not.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Time is (sometimes) on my side...

Yes-it-is! *singsong*

Time has been driving me absolutely bonkers lately. Sometimes it's fast, sometimes it's slow. The new project at work is so tedious the day drones on endlessly, but I can never get out of there fast enough to make it home in a timely hour! Like the old adages say: "Time flies when you're having fun" and "A watched pot never boils." Although that one doesn't have an explicit mention of time, but you get the point.

Anywho... I'm procrastinating writing my 10 page grant proposal that's due on Tuesday. In THREE days. Over a long weekend with the LABOR DAY holiday when no one in their right mind has to do any work. I have to start AND finish my proposal. And I just got started. And have all the details in my head and can't get them out in a coherent, organized fashion. *sigh*

So in order to further distract myself from the task at hand, here are some time comparisons, just to put things into some perspective. And ees jus fohr funn.

10 seconds:
Too little time for a passionate hug and kiss hello or goodbye at the airport. (eww!)
Too much time to reheat a room-temp croissant in the microwave.

60 seconds:
Too short of a ride for a 90-minute-wait line at Disneyland.
Too long to be gargling with Listerine.

5 minutes:
Too little show time between commercials.
Ample time to burn popcorn in the microwave so some of the kernels get charred just the way I like.

20 minutes:
Small portion of my morning commute.
Too much time spent waiting on the shuttle between the parking lot and my office.

60 minutes:
Too little time in the mall, store-hopping to find the perfect Christmas gift for everyone.
Too much time dodging traffic in a crowded mall, unable to find anything for anyone.

3 hours:
Not enough QT spent with the sigfig after work, before he passes out.
Too much time being numb after a visit to the dentist, esp when you're hungry.

5 hours:
Not enough time to watch a whole movie, uninterrupted, before Minnie Bihon has to eat. Again.
Too much time at a park BBQing for 50 people when it's 95 degrees out.

8 hours:
Too little sleep time.
Too much work time.

Now, back to the grant! Which is taking a LOOOOONG time. Maybe it's Nap time. Yep, I think it's Nap time...

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